While I do have a climbing plants post already on the blog, this is different. How? These are hanging plants, plants that trail and just vibe from the ceiling. Lush, Gardens of Babylon waterfalling plants that cascade over a shelf or your bed or on your shoulders like leafy epaulettes.

Is a list of non-toxic plants really necessary? Does it matter if they’re non-toxic? If it’s hanging off the ground it’s out of pet reach anyway, right?

First, not everyone wants plants hanging from their ceiling. If you’re a renter or don’t want 600 holes in the ceiling, hanging plants may not be the best choice. Personally, I don’t like things suspended from the ceiling and I think people who put whole bookshelves or giant art above their bed are tempting fate. Plant shelves or tall standing planters are the perfect remedy for hanging and vining plants. I keep most cascading plants on IKEA glass shelves, keeping them from being tempting to my cats as they’re (at most) 4 feet off the ground.
Second, hanging plants are great. If you’re a beginner plant parent and want a luscious tropical backdrop for your Zoom calls, hanging plants are a fun way to achieve that. Vining plants (which have climbing qualities) are even better.
And third, I wanted to let everyone know that there are other hanging plants in the world other than Pothos. Pothos are fine, I’m just over them and this is my blog and a Pothos-free zone.
The List of Trailing Pet Safe Plants
Normally, if this were a blog post from 4-5 years ago I would have made a lengthy story-time post about my plants and their relationship to my cats. But I’m a millennial and I know now that people just want the information now. No stories about how your cat knocked over your Peperomia hope or that Krusty the kitten grabbed a whole loaf of bread off the counter, or that you are currently looking for agents so you can publish your book. Agents, let’s get in touch, yes?
Stories aside, let’s get into 10 (yes 10!) pet safe trailing plants. This might be the biggest pet safe hanging plant list on the interwebs so let’s gooooo.
Goldfish Plant (Hypocyrta nummularia)

String of Turtles (Peperomia prostata)

String of Nickles (Dischidia nummularia)

Hoya Hindu Rope (Hoya carnosa)

Watermelon Dischidia (Dischidia ovata)

Peperomia Hope

Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus)

Trailing Watermelon Begonia (Pellionia pulchra)

Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

How many pet safe trailing plants do you have? Did I miss any? Probably. Leave a comment below.