We can all be selective of the plants we bring indoors but how about outdoors? Dogs who roam outdoors all day and cats who wander or (bless their heart) use the bathroom outside are exposed to your yard. And some of that yard greenery can be dangerous. Common plants like Hostas, Rhododendron, and Hydrangeas are all considered toxic to pets. So what to do?
Have no fear. You can still have an incredible garden filled with pet safe flowers safe for Fido, Fluffy, or any neighboring cats and dogs that like to come by for tea.

The outdoor plant world is way more vast and overwhelming than the indoor plant world – there are so many types of plants, flowers, weeds, shrubs, trees, and bushes to choose from. Luckily I did all of that work for you. Here is a list of non toxic flowers to make it cheerful, colorful, and safe haven for furry and human friends.

Flowers Safe for Cats and Dogs
- African Daisy
- Alyssum
- Canna Lily
- Cornflower
- Celosia plumosa
- China Aster
- Cinquefoil
- Coneflower
- Coral Bells (Heuchera sanguinea)
- Coreopsis
- Creeping Phlox
- Echinacea
- Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
- Fuchsia
- Gerber Daisy
- Globe Thistle (Echinops)
- Gloxinia (Sinningia speciose)
- Hibiscus
- Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)
- Impatiens
- Marigold
- Nasturtium
- Pansy
- Petunia
- Pincushion Flower (Leucospermum incisum)
- Roses
- Rose of Sharon
- Snapdragon
- Sunflower
- Wild Hyacinth
- Zinnia
China Aster Zinnias Marigolds Coneflower Grape Hyacinth Petunias Pansies Sunflower Primrose Starwberry Zinnias
How to Start a Pet Safe Garden
Gardening isn’t very tricky, but you do need some basics to get started (all of these are easy to find locally.)
- A medium sized shovel with a study handle
- Metal Rake
- Compost
- Knee pads
- A good hose or sprinkler system
- A few bags of extra soil and mulch
If you have a home you most likely have a yard and can plan your garden using the square foot gardening method. Square foot gardening keeps things organized and stays orderly with raised garden beds. For those with an apartment, these garden boxes are nice. Heck, lawn or no lawn these are amazing, I fill them with flowers ands herbs all summer long.
If you prefer a more rogue approach, you can just start preparing the soil around your house where there are already beds made. Adding large planters and boxes around your outdoor space adds flower real estate and looks super nice. I’m not going to reinvent the wheel here, so I personally like DIY’s tutorial for landscaping for beginners or you can find plenty of help from local garden centers.
Whatever method you choose, be sure you have lots of space and have an idea of what colors you’d like in your garden.

Picking flowers
This part is up to you. Out of the list above, see what you like, what colors speak to you and what shapes and sizes of pet safe flowers you fancy. Personally, I always do these combinations every year:
- Marigolds + Herbs + Nasturtium
- Impatiens + Pansies
- Zinnia + Coneflowers + Coral Bells
- Gerber Daisy + Carrots + Celosia
- Coreopsis and Creeping Phlox
If you haven’t read my Pet Safe Herbs post, you should. I love mixing in herbs (and sometimes veggies) with flowers in my yard – it deters deer from eating my garden of joy and it just makes me happy. I also try to keep things that like sun together (like Zinnia) and put shade-loving plants (like Pansies and Coral Bells) underneath them.

Expanding your Garden
Obviously flowers won’t be all you’ll want to your garden – there are non toxic shrubs, trees, long leaf plants and bushes to pick from too! And that info will come soon – in the next L&P Pet Safe Summer Guide to Gardens. Thanks for reading and leave any questions in the comments!
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