This is not necessarily a typical post, but rather a visual accompaniment to my two posts about Monsteras and propagating them. I’ve been bombarded with questions from readers about where and how to cut a stem, Monstera wetstick propagation, plus some no-so-common questions I wanted to publicly answer.

First though, I partnered with Annie Zyg Illustration to create the gorgeous print – a visual illustration of the Monstera Deliciosa. If you’re interested in a print Instagram or Facebook message me until we get our shop up and running. 8″ x 10″ prints are only $16 (shipped) and are ready to slip into your favorite frame.

How to Propagate a Monstera in Water:
Need a refresher on how to propagate in water? No problem, enjoy this annotated version of my propagation blog post – a basic review of where to cut step by step (consult above diagram if necessary):
- Find a stem, making sure it includes at least two petioles with leaves.
- The segment must have an aerial root and node, the node allows the plant to be much more stable once planted, and will eventually grow into a root.
- Once cut, the stem from the mother plant will harden over. This nub will pump out some more leaves, don’t worry.
- Place in water (for additional help, see this set by step guide), and about 1-2 months, he’ll be ready to plant!

How to Propagate a Wetstick
A wetsick is a small, leafless cutting (typically for variegated Monsteras like Monstera albo and Thai constellation). Basically, it’s a chunk of stem that only includes a node and maybe a root, nothing else. It’s an easy way to get more plants of out a mother plant, which is why it’s so common for variegated Monsteras which are grow slowing and very popular right now. You’ll find wetsticks cheaper than more established variegated Monstera cuttings (like, with leaves), but it will take a looong while for a leaf to form.

Monstera wetstick, once you receive one, can be propagated directly into soil or using sphagnum moss. You can try to do the water propagation method but it’s very difficult to keep the wetstick moist without submerging the whole thing. I’ll be doing a full tutorial soon!
Monstera Q&A
And now, some of my most frequently asked questions about soil, anatomy, and how to contain these monsters:
Is Monstera Propagation without Nodes Possible?
Q: Hello! I live in Kauai and there are beautiful monsteras all over the island. There were too stems sort of loose so I grabbed those to take home in hopes they could grow some roots. But, if they are just the stems (no nub or aerial root) will that even be possible? -Emily
Anastasia: Hi Emily – you are too lucky to live in a place with wild monsteras! As far as getting them to root, the stems won’t be enough – they’ll need a node which turns into the roots. You may need to get another cutting. Those stems will look great in a vase though!
Soil or No Soil? Stakes or Steaks?
Q: Hi! Thank you for this guide! I have two questions: 1. Is it possible to plant a stem and node directly into soil, or is it better to start in water? 2. What type of stake do you recommend? Is a piece of wood good enough, or should it be a moss totem? -Catherine
A: Hi Catherine! To answer your questions:
1. I’d definitely suggest starting in water to get the initial root going. Not sure if you would have as much luck just putting them in soil.
2. I use these garden stakes since they’re strong and durable. Monty is about 5′ tall and I’m currently using 4-5 stakes to keep him upright. Plus I use them for all of my other large plants too. A moss totem would work, too, but you’ll have to keep it moist. Thanks for reading!
When to Plant a Monstera Cutting?
Q: Hi there! I have a Monstera cutting from months ago that I had kept in water. It has many many roots now! When is a good time for this leaf with roots to be planted into soil? Thanks!
A: Hi! If it has many roots that’s a sure sign! You can plant it any day at this point. Pick a nice planter that’s a tad bit bigger than the circumference of the root ball and use good quality indoor plant soil. It also helps if it’s summer and not fall or winter which is dormant season for plants – he’ll adjust to his new home better.
Monsteras are Monsters: When to Stake
Q: I have an indoor monstera that looks like Monty. I’ve been reading that I should stake it but I would prefer to just keep it bushy rather than grow taller. Do I need to stake it or can I just prune to keep it under control? -Anna
A: Hi Anna, I’ve done both. Monty is very much growing horizontally and staking actually does encourage vertical growth, but pruning the awkward stems did help shape him a bit better last year. Typically I cut off any growth that won’t get sunlight, and turn those into new plants. I have about 4-5 stakes to keep Monty somewhat vertical and usually prune the unwieldy stems every spring. If you do decide to prune, wait until it’s warm, 70+ degrees or so, since he’ll be able to recover better. Hope that helps!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with this lovely plant. I have two that I propagated from a big one that was in my office before we moved. You do not mention how you trim or care for the aerial roots of the Monstera deliciosa. I saw a post on the Master Gardener website that when this plant is grown as a house plant, we can trim the brown aerial roots with no ill effects to the plant. How do you handle yours?
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the kind words! I know you can trim the brown roots but I’ve never trimmed Monty’s; the only reason being I don’t see a need to. They’re not really in the way, and until he becomes very big and unruly, I probably will just leave them be. Hope that helps!
I have a survivor monstrous plant that used to be so big, it almost needed its own room. Well a series of events, 3 big moves, cold, stress, ect. anyway, poor thing almost completely died off. I tried to save her, any part of her I could, and failed over and over, I had all but gave up when the one pulled through. The one to pull through was the most beat up of them all. The one that went off at different angle and stuck out the opposite direction of the rest, so that when moving, it was the one always being struck and pushed and you name it agoing through doorways ect. . Amazingly it made it. Year later sprouted it’s first baby. It was crazy because I didn’t see it at first cause she was hiding under mom leaf. It looked like she was protecting it. Then slowly as the little one free bigger, the mom leaf grew away. Now they’re are 2 more babies and they are all doing great. But now it appears the momma leaf is trying to part ways. She is literally splitting at the stem and it appears as if becoming two separate plants. My worry is, I am worried the mom leaf is going to leave me, like she did her job and now.. she isn’t going to die is she? I’m really attached I don’t want to loose her.
It’s hard to tell without seeing the plant but I want to help so bad! Feel free to send a photo to my social but usually monsteras don’t “split” like that. The only thing I could think of it may of gotten hit or damaged since it was at a weird angle, that would be the only thing that would cause any splitting. If the leaf is not yellowing or browning and is green and healthy I would just keep and eye on it and let it be.
What happens with the stem that is left on the motherplant?
Will it die or will it keep producing new leaves?
Hi Annica, It will sprout new leaves and sometimes a stem to the side of the cut – it actually promotes new growth and it healthy for the plant!
Warning: This is a sad story of how I killed my monstera! I had a beautiful monstera that over the summer months it got infested with tiny flies. I tried just about everything to get rid of them. In my efforts I removed the entire top layer about 2 inches deep of the soil and added brand new soil. I must have over watered it because I began to notice a bit of rot on one of the leaves and the texture was very flimsy. While trying to air dry it a bit more I’d set it outside for some cool warm and then bring it back indoors. Well one day I accidentally left it outside and the sun completely killed the majority of the leaves. I basically came home to charred brown leaves and dark black stems. I cried and before I toss it in the trash I’m thinking I should save the roots. Do you think by putting a large nice size root with absolutely no leaves on it will propagate? I have one stump/node without a leaf and a root on it in water now as well after reading your post. Any advice from here??
Oh my Judith! This is a sad story. I think putting the roots in water is exactly the best move and will yield the best results if your Monstera were to grow back. Just make sure you use filtered water (nothing with chlorine) and change the water every few days. If the monstera survives, it may take a good amount of time for anything to grow, so be patient. If the roots start to rot or turn black that’s a bad sign. Good luck! And if there is ANY green leaves left right now keep them on, it will help.
Thanks so much, I needed to hear that there’s a bit of hope. I just found a node half rotted and half alive with a bit of green that looked like it was going to be a new leaf! just placed in filter water as you suggested. Thanks again for sharing your words of wisdom!
You’re welcome!
How do I get my leaves to be thicker and not limp? I have started five new cuttings but the original plant leaves are limp and thin. I want my new cuttings to really thrive and fill in when I place them in the soil and not take after the original plant and be limp and look lifeless.
Hi Samantha! Do your monsteras have enough sun or light? If the mother plant was unhealthy in any way, your cutting may end up being the same, which is why it’s important to only propagate from healthy plants. I would suggest planting the cuttings in a high quality, nutrient rich soil and placing in bright sun. This will help new growth grow stronger and the plant will produce thicker leaves as it grows and ages. I hope that helps!
Hi. I want to cute and propagate my Monstera, however, the root is too long and has grown upward. Is it ok to cut it and just put it in water? Which means the water level will be middle of the petiole.
Hi Claudine! That will be just fine – you definitely want the root to be submerged. Just be sure to use filtered water, free of chlorine and chemicals. Good luck!
I have a propagated monstera that was given to me by a friend from her plant. It grew roots in water so I decided to plant it in soil recently. It even gave me a new petiole and leaf from the original one while it was in water. I didn’t know to look to see if there was an extra node in the cutting before I planted it. If I do not happen to have another node attached to my plant, would my plant ever grow to be larger than just two petioles?
Hi Ann, Yes it definitely will! These nodes “appear” as the plant grows, so you will definitely have more as it gets bigger and sprouts more leaves.
I have taken a cutting when has a large aerial root but no node that I can see! (I can’t find one anywhere on the mother plant) will this be okay? I’ve placed it is a glass jar with water!
Hi Rhianne, you should be just fine. As long as there is a root present, your Monstera cutting should grow a node while in water. I would keep it in water for a while, too, until more roots are obviously growing, probably about 3-4 months. Good luck!
Hey, I have just received a monstera deliciosa variegata cutting in the mail and I have put it in water to root.
-They riots are a bit brown and small line on one of the stems is black, I am just wondering if either of this is normal or if I should be worried
-Also, the roots from the node already there are almost touching the side of the vase which is already quite big, will they grow fine alone or should I move them into a bigger container?
Hi Hannah! I would definitely move the cutting to a larger container and the brown/black roots are fine and healthy. You would only need to worry if they started to shrivel. Good luck!
Thank you so much for the amazing post! I’ve cut few stems from my mother plant. I put all my cuts in water for a couple of months and they made many roots out. I’ve put them in soil today. One of them only has an aerial root and one petiole. It actually had another attached stem with three petioles which I’d cut off to propagate. I wonder the stem without extra petioles and any node would ever be rich bushy like?
Hi Lily – you’re welcome! Both will eventually get bushy as they grow and both should grow just fine. Cuttings look leggy and awkward for a while anytime you propagate from a mother plant, but they will improve. Providing support with a moss pole or stakes will definitely help keep them growing upright too.
Hey A! I moved my monstera plant in the dead of winter, and majority of the leaves died. I put the stems in water, and they’re rooting. Gonna prepare to plant them soon, but I’m wondering if newleaves will actually grow from them? I still have the nubs from the stems that I cut them from, in soil, and the nodes are also growing. Can I expect new leaves to form? Or should I just look for another plant?
Hi Julie! Yes! He is definitely worth saving and you’ll definitely see new leaves form. Be patient as new leaves can take come time, but after the plants get established (3-4 months after planting) they pop out leaves quickly. It sounds like you still have nodes on the mother plants and you should see growth coming from those stems too. Because the plant was unwell, it will take time for everyone to grow and get healthy again. I hope that helps!
Hello. I’ve just come across several cut monstera leaves in a flower shop and bought them. They don’t have nods unfortunately. Does it mean they will never root? Thanks so much. Eve
Hi Eve, you won’t be able to propagate them but they will last a while in a vase! Monsteras need to have nodes in order to root.
The node is about to go out. But i cutted it b4 it went out because i was excited to propagate. Will i still see roots ?
Hi Anna, if your cutting does not contain any type of node you will not see roots. If it does, give it time and you will!
Great post! Do you have any advice for rooting a leafless node cutting? I’ve water propagated many plants but never one without a leaf and I currently have two I’m trying to revive.
Hi Taylor! It is possible it just takes a very long time. You can still follow the same instructions I have for propagating a regular cutting, it just may take an extra month or two – you don’t want to plant the cutting until it produces a couple leaves.
Hello, I have a Monstera and a few leaves look like they are dieing! How do I care for the plant? Do I need to cut the dead leaves off? I don’t want it all to die!
Oh no! Hopefully I can help, Leanne – how do the leaves look? Are they yellow? Yellow leaves usually means it is being overwatered and limp folded-in leaves means it needs water. Feel free to send photos to my Facebook page for more help.
I am having the same problem. If they are being over watered what should I do? The leaves are not as thick and starting to brown at the edges. I love this plant and don’t want it to die… 🙁
Hi! Overwatering is never brown leaves, usually yellow, so there’s another issue going on. It could be inconsistent watering (watering too little or too much infrequently) or not enough sun. Both tend to make the edges brown. I always recommend a moisture meter (I have them on my SHOP page) to help with watering.
Hi! I have a plant that is out of control!
I put him in front of a window on my south facing indoor porch over the winter. He has very long roots on a lot of the stems! After cutting them, do I still need to put them in water, or can I go ahead and plant in pots?? Thank you for all your help and knowledge on these plants!
Lara G.
Hi Lara – how exciting! I would let any Monstera cutting sit in water for a bit before planting – they just seem to be happier and grow better that way. I’ve tried just planting in soil but they take a very long time to develop new leaves.
Is it possible to propagate without the petioles and leaves?
Hi Liz, it is possible but the survival rate is not high. If you have a cutting without any petioles or leaves, you can amp of the chance of survival by placing the cutting in a makeshift greenhouse (putting a plastic bag over it to increase humidity) and placing it in a warm location. Bear in mind it seem to take forever for leaves to grow, but you should have some luck.
Hi, i’m looking at a lot of videos and pictures and my plants dont look like the same. that the leaves of mine are so tall that the petiole break and the leaves drops. I read that when the leave “looks sad” it mean there is too much watering. At the same time the border of the leaf are a little wrinkled. Could I send you pictures for advices?
Hi! Too much watering may be the case or underwatering. Typically leaves will turn yellow if they are overwatered, too. You can send photos to my facebook or Instagram (both links are in the footer) and I’ll take a look!
Is it possible that a very old monstara has no nods, because it was cut back so much? I’ve been trying to get a cutting from this monstera for a while now but it doesn’t seem to have any nods?
Hi Michelle, Hmm, that doesn’t seem possible since as they grow they pop out new nodes but they could be small. You can always cut a chunk off with a root if there are any aerial roots visible.
Hi there! Can I propagate monstera in fall? I live in SoCal 🙂
Hi Nat! You can – the keep is to keep the new cuttings and original plant warm and in humidity, nothing below 70 degrees and in a sunny location. Propagation leaves plants a bit fragile. Good luck!
Hi 🙂 I have a monstera delisiosa or borsigiana verigata and it has one leaf and one node that now has a root system and has been in soil for a few months. It wasn’t a tip cutting so the petiole has already split. I was wondering if another node will appear to produce a new leaf or did I get ripped off? ?
Hi Maddie, it’s hard to tell without seeing a photo (which you can share with me on facebook) but it sounds like he should be fine as long as there are healthy roots. Leaf and petiole development will be slow at this young age, so be patient!
Hi! Thank you for all the info 🙂
A neighbor pulled a baby monstera from the roots for me. It has four to three leaves and a few inches of roots. Should I keep in water for a bit or is it better to put in soil.
Hi Ben! It never hurts to plop them in water for a while to encourage root development!
Hi , can a rooted cutting still survive and put out new leaves if I were to cut off it’s only current leaf since it’s damaged?
I would leave the damaged leaf. Young Monsteras take FOREVER to push out new roots on plants without any leaves, and their chance for survival seems to lower if no leave are present. I would just be sure to keep the cutting healthy and in a warm place with high humidity and let the leaf yellow and fall off naturally.
Hi, I’ve purchased a badly damaged Monstera from a street vendor. Besides from physical damage, it looks like a healthy plant. Almost all the leaves are bent or torn. Can I reduce the whole plant into cuttings (with nodes) to make 10+ plants? The leaves are dinner plate size already now. How long will it take after we see roots will another leaf pop out?
Hi Peter,
Yes you definitely can eventually propagate, but I would wait until some new fresh leaves pop out. The plant is distressed from whatever previous conditions it was in so propagating now would not be wise. Also you can remove any bent leaves but torn leaves are fine to leave on, Monsteras pop out new leaves faster the more leaves it has. Good luck!
I have acquired a variegated monstera cutting about an inch and a half long with 4 nodes. I have put directly into potting mix. Will it take?
Hi Ali! It may if it has pre-existing strong roots, but if nodes are only present and there are no roots you should place it in water for a few months for proper root development. Keep it in a warm, bright spot until you see plenty of white roots form.
I have a monstera that is just one long vine (about 5 ft tall). If I take a cutting from the top, what will happen to the mama plant? Will it stop growing taller or will it send out side shoots? It seems like side shoots from that far up would make the whole plant unstable.
Hi Sadie, is this a Monstera deliciosa? I’m wondering since delicosa isn’t viney per se, but other types like Monstera adansonii are. Either way, yes, it will start growing near the cut you made, but will not continue in the direct it was, so it will probably grow wider. If you want to change the shape of it completely so it’s not as lanky, you can safely cut a 5′ plant into a few pieces then combine then in one pot after they root for a more fuller appearance.
One leaf broke off and its stem is long. I put it into water but no root, only black on the bottom of the stem. I cut it off and tried it again but it turned black again. It is still alive in the water but how on earth do I get it to root?
Hi Branka, Just a leaf won’t product roots. It needs to have a little node or some type of preexisting root attached. Otherwise it will eventually turn yellow and dry up.
Hi! I just received a monstera plant from my teacher that knows I love plants but she gave me a stem with an aerial root and no node. Is it possible for the aerial root to grow roots and propagate like that?
Hi again! I recently left a comment but didn’t realize I had more to say haha! My monstera cutting currently has an aerial root and it’s already growing two new leafs. I’ve had the root growing in water for about two weeks and I’m not sure if the new leafs indicate the plant actually doing really well BUT I think this is good(?) I just wanted to know whether the areal root will be enough or if it will ever grow stable roots seeing as it has no node.
Hi Dylan, yes, if there are new leaves that’s a good sign. That aerial root will eventually sprout white off shoots which are crucial for the survival of the plant – they’ll look like white fluff as they start out but will grow longer as time goes on. Also be sure to change the water the cutting is in every couple weeks or so.
Hi there! I love what you do here! I was wondering if you have any advise for when roofs have formed and it time to move it to soil.. should the node be buried or sit on top of the soil & how often/how much should I water my plant baby to give it the best chance!
Hi Katie! If the node has turned into a root, it should be under the soil. Basically any long root type things should be under the soil. Keep the soil light and not too compacted – I like to mix it with a bit of orchid bark or perlite. Keep the new cutting in a warm spot in part sun and water once a week or so, you’ll want it dry out a bit. I urge you get a moisture meter (I have this one and love mine) so you can get a feel of its watering schedule. Good luck!
If I take a cutting of a monstera what happens the the mother plant? Will it grow more leaves or does it stop growing?
I bought a one node, one leaf Monstera deliciosa cutting online in September. It was a substantial amount of root. I enventually had to cut through the node to find health tissue. I put the cutting in Leca and it has lots of roots. It is now the end of January. The leaf was also damaged but it is hanging on. I am wondering if I should just contine growing it in semi hydroponics and how long before I will see leaf growth.
I bought a one node, one leaf Monstera deliciosa cutting online in September. It had a substantial amount of root rot. I enventually had to cut through the node to find healthy tissue. I put the cutting in Leca and it now has lots of roots. It is now the end of January. The leaf was also damaged but it is hanging on. I am wondering if I should just contine growing it in semi hydroponics and how long before I will see leaf growth.
Hi Zee, You can plant it at this point, given there are lots of healthy roots. The thing about monsteras without leaves (or one or two of them) is they take a VERY long time to produce new ones. Personally, I would wait until another leaf sprouted while it is in water and then I would plant, but planting it now would be fine too. Good luck!
Hi there, I have a stem cutting about a thumb long (no leaves) with a node, can this be propagated in water? If not what’s the best way? Thank you!
Hi Yen, Yes the water method will work. You can also just place it in soil but I find that in water is best. Cuttings without leaves take a bit of time to develop roots so patience is key!
Hi!! I purchased Monstera plant about two weeks ago and noticed one of the leaves are saggy/droopy and a much lighter color. What does this mean?
Hi Xenia! It could be older leaves or overwatering. Any plant needs to acclimate to its new surrounding once it gets home which takes about two weeks. You may be overwatering (monsteras need to dry out between waterings) or it may need some more light (and need bright light). Once the leaves turn brown you can clip them off at the base, but be careful for these two things I mentioned above.
Hi. I wonder what will
happen if i keep her in water, i kinda like it that way. she has lots of healthy roots and manage to has one new leaf..
You can but eventually it will be happier in soil and the roots will get out of control in water. It will also grow quicker in soil.
hi ! Do you have to replace the water often whilst they are soaking for 1-2 months?
Hey! I have a question, I have a monstera with aerial root and I’m thinking about cutting it to propagate. If I cut it, does the main plant stop growing? Or does it get stuck?
Hi! You can propagate, but be sure your Monstera is old enough. If too young your plant may not recover. It should have multiple leaves and multiple stems for the best outcome, then you can choose one of the stems to cut.
Hi there I cut a monstera from my garden to PROPERgate I cut 2 inches from the node . This stem has two leaves and two nodes . One node is Small and a good size and the other one is as thick as my middle finger , however when putting in a vase of water the bigger node snapped a little , not fully but it’s hanging . Will this still grow roots ? Or what will happen to this . I hope this isn’t a waste ?
Hi Kaycee, Honestly I would cut that node off so the cutting just has one. That other dangling piece can be propagated as well and will do better separate. You can just stick that in some shallow water and it would grow some roots too. Good luck!
Is it possible that if a new leaf snapped from a singular node propagation that it will produce another one off the same node?
Possibly, but it totally depends on where the leaf snapped off in relation to the stem. It the leaf was new and snapped at the base, there is a chance a new leaf may pop up.
I took a cutting from my monstera deliciosa about a month ago. I cut below a node and the cutting has a small root. Since I put it in water to propogate, the base of the stem and the root has turned black. Shall I cut all the black parts away? Will it still be able to grow new roots if I cut the rotting root off? The rot has risen above the node too, but only a small amount 🙁
Do you think I can still save this?
Hi Mali, I would ONLY cut the black parts away if they are mushy. Not all black is bad on a plant. If it is mushy, you can cut that part off, but it will not grow any roots unless there is a node. So, depending on the condition, you may be ok, but you’ll have to be sure you aren’t cutting off a node – if you are you won’t see the plant develop any more and it is probably some type of rot that infected it.
I purchased a monstera that is in a pot with rocks and water (no soil). Can it be left to live this way or must it be potted in soil to survive?
Hi – it will be happy in water for a while, but eventually the roots will become very big and it will need to be planted.
Hi, if you get a large stem cutting with more than one node, can you then cut that stem up into however many nodes it has and create multiple cuttings? Or does the cutting have to include the top leaf of the stem? Thanks
Hi Adonis, You can definitely do that, but it takes FOREVER for a leaf to develop on a cutting with no preexisting leaves. If time is not an issue, I’d say go for it and chop the cutting into pieces with and without leaves (I’ve done it and have had success), just be sure to monitor those without leaves closely, they are more apt to get rot for some reason.
Can I propagate my monstera only from the nodes and the rotes, but without the leaves and petiole… because I had to discard the leaves due to fungal infection, but I leave it the nodes (roots) in hope that they will grow another leaves… can my monstera grows normally even without leaves?
Hi Fahim, You can most certainly try, but I do not recommend propagating an infected plant. Since there was a fungal infection, and unless it was completely cured, you run the risk of the new growth ending in the same fate. You can try to propagate, but keep this piece away from any other plants. Also, cuttings with no leaves or petioles take a very long time to push out leaves. I hope that helps!
Hello! I’ve had a monstera albo node in a prop box sitting on a seedling mat for just over 2 weeks now. There’s an axillary bud that formed and I noticed that it opened today. Do they sometimes sprout new growth before they root??? I was totally expecting it to be quite awhile before it would do anything like that.
Hi Amber, they can, it depends on the maturity of mother plant they came from and where they were cut. I would be happy a leaf sprouted though – that’s great! But yes, ultimately you need some roots to grow, be sure the node is getting moisture so roots can form.
Hi I have a very tall /large Swiss cheese plant and think it could do with a prune ,how do I go about it as never done before and don’t want to do damage
Glad I was able to help you out on IG, Nikki!
Hello, I ordered a monstera variegated leaf online, it has been in water for almost 3 weeks now. The leaf is starting to get yellow, but there’re no sign of roots.
The area around the node is getting darker. Is there anything I can do to save it?
Hi Val – it could be a number of things – I think it may be better for me to visually see. Can you send a pic via instagram or facebook? I’ll take a look.
Hi I bought a variegated wetstick and originally had it in potting mix have transferred now to a succulent mix with Perilite not sure if this will survive it’s been potted for about three weeks.
Hi Trish, wetsticks are tricky but what most people don’t know is they take FOREVER to grow anything. Var. monstera already grow very very slow, so wetsticks take even longer since they are sans leaves. Honestly, I would try sphagnum moss instead of a soil medium. I don’t think perlite will help this cutting and I think keeping it in slightly moist moss is a better option.
Hi I have recently noticed that a couple of my monstera nodes (I meant aerial roots) are growing but drying out at the ends and seem to have stopped extending towards the soil. What would you say is causing it to do this? I water once a week the monstera is in a bright location with diffused light and has been there for a year and has been loving it. Thank you in advance for any info you can provide to help me remedy this situation. ( if it is one)
Hey Rob, this can happen if the air is too dry or if there is not enough humidity. If the monstera is growing fine otherwise and the leaf edges aren’t crispy you should be ok. If the leaf edges are browning, that’s a sure sign to increase humidity with a humidifier.
Hello, I bought variegated monstera cutting, it has 3 nodes, 1 petiole, 1 leaf but with no aerial root.. 2 of 3 nodes already grow something like brown root? very small maybe 1cm and 0,5 cm (it’s there already when I bought it, and it planted in soil then I moved it to water propagation).
Will it survive and grow a new root?
Wish I can send you the picture.
Hi Randy – that’s a root! Nodes will grow into roots so your plant is doing great! It will keep growing more roots which will be white, and they may start coming out of the the brown roots.
Hi! I’m currently in the search for monstera albo. Do you think it’s better to buy a stem with nodes, aerial roots and leaf than just a wetstick with node? Which has a higher chance of survival/growth? Thanks in advance!
Yes, the more you have on the plant the better. Wetsticks are fine, but all variegated monstera (esp Monstera albo) grow very slow, so you are looking at a year for only a few leaves to possibly pop up. Cuttings with leaves/nodes/roots are much easier to grow and will produce leaves quicker and has a higher chance of survival, but if you have lots of patience a wetstick is an option. I talk a bit about wetsticks here too.
I have a monstera I grew from a clipping of a leaf and a single root. It still only has one stem but has 6 leaves. If I chop the next leaf and node to propegate, will the stem grow a new leaf? Also, are moss poles a good option for monstera?
Hi Mary, Yes it will! A new one will shoot out along the stem. And yes, monsteras love moss poles! They’ll actually yield bigger leaves with one.
Hi, enjoyed the comments and your article, very helpful. I’ve just purchased a monstera and LOVE it but it could use some pruning. I see three areas where I could trim. My question is could I root it with one or two nodes and no air roots?
Yes you can! As long as you have at least one node you’re good. 🙂
What do you think of this stem cutting? Both ends have roots but is it a viable plant to develop a leaf bud?
Hi! Yes I would plant horizontally so that large clump of roots are under the soil. You should get a leaf popping out at the top. I wouldn’t worry about the root on the end, it will make its way into the soil at some point.
Hi! Was trying to ptopagate my monstera delioiosa thai constellation… I cut the stem up to a small portion of the node. Not the entire node. It has one leaf no aerial roots. Do you think it will survive using water propagation? Thanks!
It may, but it really needs at least a whole node to grow a root so you may lose it. I would say there’s no harm in trying it!
Great article and Q and A. Is there a way to encourage the Monstera to pop up more babies? Been seeing a lot of pics online of Monsteras, with medium sized leaves and no fenestrations but shooting out so many babies.
With age, really. The older they get the more fenestrations they develop. You can quicken this process by providing a moss pole though – I found that they put out larger leaves faster and are more comfortable with something for their aerial roots to grab on. 🙂
I just took a top cutting from my monstera albo and am worried about the stem cutting on the mother plant . It has only been one day but it looks like it is weeping and dark. I would hate for my mother plant to get stem rot, is this normal and takes a few days to fully callous over , or should I be doing something to help it more ? Thank you!
Hi! It does take a couple days to callous over, but it shouldn’t be black. It will dry and slightly shrivel and turn a dark brown. Just be sure to keep both plants in a warm bright location and if it’s weeping, make sure it’s not very dry.
I ordered a baby monstera deliciosa seedling online, and when I received my package I found out its stem have completely snapped. Is there any chance it will survive and grow new leaves? It is now a stump but with a really good root system.
Yes, you should be just fine, it may just take a while before a leaf pops out. You can try rooting it in moist sphagnum moss (I think I mention doing wetsticks in this post, which is basically what you’ll have) and you’ll see growth in no time!
Hi Anastasia!
I think the infographic is really superb! Well done both of you.
I bought my first monstera and saw that the roots were coming out of the pot, but before I got around to repotting it, it snapped at the petiole, and I only have the first ridge of the stem and that’s buried in the pot. What course of action would you recommend?
Thanks Julie! It’s hard to tell without a photo, but it *should* grow a new petiole from the cut piece, like off to the side where it snapped. If it’s winter where you are it might take a while, but it should happen rather quickly in warm weather. I would just wait and see – there will be a little bump that forms and if you need to move some of the soil from on top of it, you can.
Hi there!
Thanks for this article and also for answering so many questions! I have read them through but can’t find an answer for my monstera.
Unfortunately I had to leave my monstera during lockdown for 6 months. When I returned it was mostly dead except one leaf on the main stem had survived! It was very floppy but I have managed to nurse it back to health and he looks good. I cut off all the dead leaves so now he is the only petiole and leaf . It has 2 aerial roots and many nodes but looks abit weird as the stem is maybe 9 inches long with only one petiole and leaf.
I was wondering should I cut it off to propagate and re plant it in the same pot? Or if I leave it will more petioles grow from the stem? And would the mother plant grow more petioles if I did cut it completely off?
Thanks so much for your help – he’s survived so much? I want to help him grow the best way I can. All the best,
Jo x
Hi Jo, Yes! I would cut it completely off the mother plant and start a whole new plant in a different pot. You may get lucky and the mother plant may in fact grow more leaves now that old ones are gone, it just might take a while so I wouldn’t throw it out. Good luck!
I was given a Monstera leaf, I have had it in water for about seven months, just recently it started growing a leaft at the petiole , I kept it because the leaf stood green even though it did not have a node on it. I have it in a vase with some philodendron plants rooting. I thought this might help it root better. The root is about 1″ long on it now. I would like to see the root get longer When I go to plant this leaf. Do I just plant about an inch of the stem in to the soil or how deep?
Hi Charlotte, definitely wait until a root is at least 6″ and at least three roots is best. When planting, be sure the roots are under soil, but, if possible, you can wait until the leaf unfurls so there is no risk covering that up with soil. Give it another month or so in water, then you can plant.
Is it possible to see a week by week pic of root growth on newly propagated aerial root segment? And is there a difference in speed of growth for propagation by water and propagation by soil?
Hi, week by week growth totally differs depending on where you live and the current season. Personally, I found that water propagating works best for me in the summer. I’ve tried all methods, in various seasons and summer propagation either in soil or water is foolproof while winter prop (in soil or water), cuttings are more likely to die.
Hi! I recently got a monstera cutting from my friend – it has 3 leaves (including one very new leaf) and an established aerial root but no nodes. I’ve put it in clean water but most of the research I’ve done says that there needs to be a node – do you think it will root? I am also paranoid about it rotting due to it being such a ‘sturdy’ root – how can I prevent this?
Hi Eva! As long as it has aerial roots that’s great! A node may pop out as the cutting grows. That root will sprout white plump offshoot roots in water, and it will be fine to propagate via water. As long as that root is healthy and plump it should work out great. If there are any black spots or mushy parts on the root, I would avoid water propagation.
Hello! Anastasia. I read your all the Q and A. It was pretty amazing. You answered probably all the questions which were wondering in my mind regarding monstera. I tried to find those answers online but didn’t get satisfactory answers except yours. Thank you so much for that.
Actually i have 3-4 monstera. And i have few questions regarding many of them.
1) one monstera growing well until November then suddenly it gave something like fruits and then suddenly stopped giving new leaves. It was doing well before. Before two month i repotted it in a larger pot but i didn’t change the soil as it was smelling bad as previous pot didn’t get any holes and i just added few more soil and potted it a larger one. Luckily it was growing well until November and then stopped so today i chaged it’s soil and repotted it. So is it okay ?
2) in one monstera after purchasing from the narsary when i potted it in a pit i just added soil nothing else and bit of coco pit on the top. Still it was doing well it has given nearly 5 leaves in last 3 months. But now new leaves are not comming. I can see the green Arrow but not the leaves.all the leaves are pretty healthy and green it continuously giving new healthy roots but not the leaves. Do i need to change the soil?, Or it’s just because of its her dormant season?
3) in lockdown i had to left my monstera when i was working. And then i went there after nearly 3-4 months. Somehow it managed to get water once in a month by my friend. But not adequately. So when i visited i was expecting it to die but hopefully 3-4 good leaves,5-6 bad leaves and one new leaf was there. So have taken it from there and brought to my place. Luckily after two month it gave one new leaf and then onther.it was growing slow and smaller than before. Then it stopped in October. And i am still waiting for the new leaf to come. It gives many aerial roots. New root is still coming out.when i potted it i only use soil. So what do you think should i cut it from the stem and repotted it. Or i should wait for the season. It has sooo many roots. But i am worrying as it is not sprouting new leaf since last two months. And if i want to propagate it should i do it right now? Or i should wait for winter to get overed?
Kindly help me. Thank you☺️
Hi – so monsteras do produce less leaves in the winter months. As far as the fruit-bearing monstera, I don’t really have experience with them once they’ve fruited (I’m in the US in NY and they don’t fruit here) but you can cut the fruit off and they should start producing leaves again. For the other two monsteras, I would take off any bad or yellow leaves and wait until warm weather to do any more repotting or propagating – just leave them as they are right now. As long as they have healthy leaves and strong aerial roots, they’ll be ready to repot and propagate in spring. Be sure they are only getting watered when the soil is pretty dry and they are in a bright warm location. I hope that helps!
Thank you so much. Truly can’t thank enough.??
-So for rest of two monsteras would you suggest me to repot both of them i mean completely remove from the pot and after rinsing rootballs put them in more reliable soil mix in spring?
-And when we repot them they have tremendous amount of aerial roots. So should i leave them or i should cover them in the pot itself?
Really thank you sooo much. Hope you’re safe in COVID-19 pendamic. NY is very beautiful city. Stay safe. Thanking you once again!
Will wait for your response. Thank you so much ??
Hi there! I have a massive monstera that is a big mess of leaves and aerial roots on my balcony, it’s very healthy but it’s growing out of its pot and I wanted to propagate it to get a more manageable plant and more plants. I have followed tutorials but my monstera looks a little different in that the stems are very thick- about the width of my wrist and when I look online they are all very dainty. If I was to cut that I’d need a saw and then worry I’d kill the plant. Any advice for a very large monstera with a thick stem? I’m also drowning in aerial roots and most are about 2 -3 metres long. Please help!
Hi Renee – that’s amazing! And a beefy plant. Just because it’s thicker it can still apply the same propagation principles I talk about, just you will have to chop it up a bit more. Be sure to still keep one to two leaves per cutting and you can deal with any middle non-leafed stem pieces like I talk about in this post – basically those are wet sticks and can be rooted in moss. If the stems in general are too thick for a jar, you can just keep the cutting’s aerial roots wrapped in sphagnum moss that is kept moist. I hope that helps – feel free to send pics to my IG or Facebook if you need more help!
Hello! I have a Monstera which I planted a newly propagated part in a large planter and it was going crazy and began producing leaves 15” across, then I took in a kitten which has destroyed it!
my instinct is to take it out rinse it and repot it. Can I take all but two leaves off and will it grow back? It had a small base stem, then the top stems are much larger diameter….I just don’t know how to approach this plant! Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi Jemme, Oh no! Did your kitten eat any of it? If so please take it to a vet asap. If it was just destruction and the leaves are intact you can leave them and the plant will grow new ones eventually. Without a picture it’s hard to tell (you can send me one on social media) but you really don’t want to take too many leaves off, that will slow growth. Feel free to send a pic and I can help better.